Dear Friends,
I hope you are well this December. I know there is much going on your lives and in the world, but I wanted to take a moment to let you know about something unfolding next year.
I’m inviting you to journey the Psalms with me.
How do the Psalms speak into our lives? How can they help us get in touch with our deeper emotions, and to better understand ourselves? How can they lead us to live fuller, more honest, more authentic lives? What can they show us about who God is and who we’re invited to be in the world?
I’ll be going through - in numerical order - the 44 Psalms I’ve arranged and recorded with my dear friends the McGraths (Celtic Psalms). Each week I will share reflections on a Psalm of the week, with an accompanying journal (see the cover above) to enhance your personal journey. In addition, I’ll be doing a weekly short-form podcast with a song and reflections on the Psalms for the Spirit podcast.
The journal pages and podcast will include an introduction to the music and theme of each Psalm; connections to other writings and wisdom; helpful links to the Psalms for the Spirit podcast; reflection questions for you to explore through journaling or other forms of expression; a prayer and an invitation.
The journal eBook/PDF (180 pages!) will be included for all Bless My Feet paid subscribers, or you will be able to purchase it on my website. Each week, paid subscribers will also receive a downloadable mp3 of the featured song to accompany your reflection journey.
The journal will come in Full Digital Format (an ebook/interactive PDF), downloadable on iPads, phones and computers, with embedded links for your convenience and text boxes for your own writing. There will also be a simplified printable version for you to write on by hand, or you can choose a notebook of your own to accompany this process.
The journey will begin in early January and will continue through to November. That’s 44 weeks!
I know that sounds like a long time - who knows what life will bring between now and November. Feel free to dip in and out of it, or to return later to Psalms you might miss. Other than me showing up each week with a Psalm and some reflections, this will be a free-flowing, spacious, gracious space with plenty of room for flexibility. These are resources I’ll be providing that you can take advantage of if it’s helpful to you - or, you can save it for a time when you need it. I will arrange periodic Zoom gatherings so that we can share parts of this journey together.
I believe this is going to be a rich and transformative journey. If you’ve been wondering whether to become a paid subscriber, now might be a great time to hop aboard. Or if there’s a reflective soul in your life, consider inviting them along. If you’d like to support someone who can’t pay at the moment, there’s the option of donating a subscription.
I’ll be in touch after the New Year, but until then… Blessings of hope, joy, peace and love to you, to all whom you love, and to this broken but beautiful world this Christmas and holiday season.